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The Gem of the Valley Awards Gala held on Friday, Jan. 19, was a lively celebration of over 300 attendees! We were proud to honor many outstanding businesses, organizations and individuals, who have made a significant impact in our community.
Congratulations to our 2017 Gem of the Valley Award winners, as voted:
Ambassador of the Year:
Garth Trimble, FOX 28 TV
Volunteer of the Year:
Courtney Johnson, Wagstaff Applied Technologies
Non-Profit Organization:
Heart of the Community:
Dusty Wetzler, Banner Bank
Small Business:
Proactive Health Chiropractic
Medium Business (16-50 employees):
The UPS Stores
Medium Business (51-100 employees):
Baker Construction & Development
Large Business:
MultiCare Valley Hospital
Entrepreneur of the Year:
Dr. Samuel Nelson, Proactive Health Chiropractic
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Judi Williams, co-founder of Telect, Inc.
Educators of the Year:
Central Valley: Heather Speziale, University High School
East Valley: Kasey Pitts, Trentwood Elementary School
West Valley: Joni Chambers & Candi Jordan, Spokane Valley High School
Citizen of the Year:
Mayor Steve Peterson, Liberty Lake
Special thanks to our sponsors for their generous support:
Diamond Sponsor: Modern Electric Water Co.
Sapphire Sponsors: MultiCare Valley Hospital & Spokane International Airport
Emerald Sponsors: Graham Construction, Horizon Credit Union, and Waste Management Spokane.
Site Sponsor: Mirabeau Park Hotel, Print Sponsor: Minuteman Press, Media Sponsor: The Splash/The Current
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2012 CItizen of the Year, Bill Gothmann (on the left), introduced the 2017 Harry E. Nelson Citizen of the Year, Liberty Lake Mayor Steve Peterson, standing with his wife, Charmaine Peterson and President & CEO, Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, Katherine Morgan. Peterson was given the title, “City Builder” for his accomplishments in Liberty Lake and Spokane Valley.
See more photos of the event HERE.