Spokane Valley City Council Meeting Summary – Sept. 11, 2018

September 14, 2018
Your Chamber’s Advocacy Department attends City Council and County Commissioner meetings and provides summaries to give members updates on business and transportation-related conversations happening in local government.
Spokane Valley City Council Meeting
September 11, 2018

City Council and Staff are in the process of working out the City of Spokane Valley’s 2019 Budget. Staff expect the City to generate approx. $45.4 million in revenue and incur approx. $43.9 million in expenditures. It is projected that, at the conclusion of 2019, the City’s General Fund will reach $33 million. It is important to note that the plan for the City is to not exercise a 1% increase in Property Tax.
The City of Spokane Valley plans to have four more opportunities for public input during the 2019 Budget-planning process. The dates of future Budget meetings are:

  • September 25 – City Manager Presentation of Preliminary 2019 Budget
  • October 9 – Second Hearing of 2019 Budget
  • October 23 – First Reading of Ordinance for 2019 Budget
  • November 13 – Adoption of 2019 Budget

In accordance with RCW’s 35A.82.020 and 35.22.280, the City of Spokane Valley is looking to amend their business licensing code. This Ordinance had its first reading on the 11th, and it has been approved for a second reading at a future meeting of City Council. Ordinance 18-020 will not change much, but one thing that could be added is an exemption for businesses that might not be located in the City of Spokane Valley that generate less that $2,000 in sales in exchange for their goods or services. Full details can be found HERE. >

City Council and Staff are in the process of hiring a federal lobbyist in Washington, D.C. and planning a trip to D.C. to meet with our elected delegation in D.C., USDOT, and several other groups to promote the Pines/BNSF grade separation project and present the project’s merits in an attempt to secure grant money through the BUILD and CRISI grant programs. Staff have received 18 applications and expect to narrow that list down to a few by the end of the month, with the hope of presenting a contract to Council sometime in October.

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