Transportation Program Summary – Feb. 2018

February 23, 2018

Transportation Program Summary

Feb. 22, 2018
Longhorn Barbecue
The Transportation Committee’s February Program discussion was led by Joe Tortorelli from the Good Roads Association to talk about the feasibility of a County-Wide Transportation Benefit District in Spokane County and what it could look like. If one were created for Spokane, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, and Millwood; any sales tax increase over 0.2% and the implementation of a car tab fee exceeding $20 would need voter approval. Also, 80% of funds collected from each jurisdiction would be available to be used for immediate projects, and the remaining 20% would be saved for future transportation-related endeavors.
We meet again upstairs in Longhorn BBQ on Thursday, March 22nd, program TBD.


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